I have coded a multitude of different genres of games. Some have been for clients, and include a PacMan style game, a shoot-em up, a matching pairs game, and a duelling cannons game for BBC Blackadder. I also made a Space Invaders clone for Frutina for their old website. Others were created for the company I was working for, or just for fun.
The Black-Adders CD-ROM Box Art
The Black Adders Red Baron Shoot-em Up Game
The Black Adders Matching Pairs Game
The Black Adders Cannon Duel Game
Sea Wolf Remake
Frutina Space Invaders Clone
Frutina Space Invaders Clone
Frutina Space Invaders Clone
Fifth Dimension Shooting Game
Fifth Dimension Shooting Game
Fifth Dimension Shooting Game
The Sun/Tweenies Promotional CD-Rom
The Tweenies Jigsaw Game
Varndean Matching Pairs Game
Varndean “Tetris” Sorting Game
I have also made many games designed for more educational purposes – such as Hangman, Jigsaws, or dynamically built Crosswords or Word Searches. Some of these have had multiple re-use over e-learning programmes, or the Horrible Sciences CDs that were packaged with Kelloggs breakfast cereals.